World Cup Wrap Up

My apologies for this long-overdue post; figuring out how to express everything that has occurred…
First World Cups of 2018-19

Happy Holidays! About 10 days ago, I returned from the first three events of the…
The Last Days of Summer (on to Zermatt!)

Hello Everyone! As I’m writing this, I’m in Zermatt, Switzerland for a 3.5-week on-snow training…
The 2018-19 Prep Season Continues

Welcome to my second update for the 2018-19 season!! Since I’ve last left you all,…
First 3 Stops on the WC Tour

Hello! Happy Holidays!! I hope that this holiday season, you are surrounded by loved ones…
Hello from Zermatt!

Hello! I am excited to be greeting you from Zermatt, Switzerland!! I arrived here just…
My Training Trip Down Unda!

Hi All! I hope your summer is wrapping up nicely and you enjoyed your holiday…
2017/18 Season Preparation Begins!

Hi All! I hope you all are having a great summer!! This email officially marks…